Join us on December 6th for Stories for Choice: Period Power!
True to TMI Project’s mission, let’s begin with a story:
Join us for Stories for Choice: Period Power, an evening of true storytelling featuring youth-activists from Kingston High School’s Period Power! club who participated in a 10-session TMI Project storytelling workshop this fall to craft their personal narratives. Come bear witness to their brave sharing and find out how you can help them destigmatize menstruation and eradicate period poverty.

Did you know that 76% of students in the U.S. are taught more about the
biology of a frog than they are about bodies that menstruate?
Did you know about 50% of menstruators do not know what is happening the first time they get their period? Or, that 51% of students in the U.S. have worn period products for longer than recommended due to lack of access or affordability? These are some of the reasons why students from the Kingston High School Period Power! Club are stepping on stage to speak their truth in Stories for Choice: Period Power!

Stories for Choice: Period Power! is a culmination of a 10-session TMI Project storytelling workshops in which students have crafted personal narratives to destigmatize menstruation and raise awareness of period poverty.
December 6th, 2023
Senate Garage
4 N Front St, Kingston, NY 12401
& Online via Livestream
FREE for all to attend with RSVP

P.S. Want to learn more about Period Power!’s mission? Watch the short documentary about the club made by local media organization HUDSY.